Thursday, October 13, 2011

English Grammar : Indefinite and Definite Article

Learn Grammar | English Grammar : Indefinite and Definite Article |
  • Indefinite Article
A/an are indefinite articles. We use them with singular nouns. it shows that the noun is general, not specific.
  1. A man ('seseorang', 'seorang', NOT 'orang itu')
  2. An ant ('seekor semut', NOT 'semut itu')
  3. a table ('sebuah meja', NOT 'meja itu')
A is used when the initial sound of the word is a consonant.
Examples :
  1. a book
  2. a cat
  3. a university (exception)

An is used when the initial sound is a vowel.
Examples :
  1. an hour
  2. an onion
  • Definite Articles
The is definite articles, we use the with a singular or plural noun. It shows that the noun is specific, NOT general. Look at some examples :
  1. The book is useful.
  2. She is sitting in the middle of the room.
  3. He is playing the piano.

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