Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Colon (:)

Education English | Colon (:) | Surayin (1999: 510) says that colon is used:
1. Colon is used to introduce word, list or sentence. It is usually begun by as follow or the following.
Examples: The following words are conjuctions: but, and, or, nor.
The letter read as follows: “come at once”
2. Colon is used in salutation of in formal letter.
Examples: Dear Mr. Jones: Gentelmen:
3. Colon is used at numberic that show time
Examples: It is 8:30
I shall leave at 9:00
Longan (2008: 556) says that colon is used:
1. Use the colon at the end of a complete statement to introduce a list
Example: The store will close at noon on the following dates: November 26,
December 24, and December 31.
2. Quotation
In his book Life Lines, forrest Church maintains that people should cry more: “life is difficult. Some people pretend that it is not, that we should be able to breeze through. Yet hardly a week passes in which most of us don’t have something worth crying about.”
3. Explanation
Example: Here’s a temporary solution to a dripping faucet: Tie a string to it, and let the drops slide down the string to the sink"

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