Saturday, November 11, 2017

Commentary Text : A Better Iran Strategy

The chances that West will succeded in peacefully restaining Iran from building nuclear weapons has been looking dismal at the meeting of the international Atomic Energy Agency this week.

The agency staff reported that Iran was still not fully cooperating with this investigation into the secret uranium enrichment programme Tehran began 18 years ago. As bad as this sounds there is some good news : The Bush administration and its European allies have taken steps towards mending their own, secondary quarrel over Iran. For this strategy to work, European governments will have to deliver on their promises to support the use of sticks and not just carrots, with the Iranian regime. If it maintains it present position. And if Tehran reserves its decision and agrees to consider a permanent aned to its efforts to acquire the capacity to build nuclear weapon? Then the Bush administration will have plenty of oppurtinity to reconsider, and to consult with Europe, about wheter such a bargain should be made and on what terms.

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