Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Definition of Writing

Education English | Definition of Writing | According Longman Dictionary (1993:409), writing system is a system of written symbols which represent the sounds, syllbables, or words of a language.
Writing is difficult activity for most people, both in the mother tongue and in foreign language (Dixon cited by Heleni in Mega, 2009: 16) claims that:
“Expressing meaning through writing enquires more effort than recognize meaning through listening or reading and is more difficult than expressing meaning through speaking because the writer must follow the convetions of speling and punctuation that make the message understandable to others.”
Steven Roger Fischer (in Access on June 21, 2010) argues that no one definition of writing can cover all the writing systems that exist and have ever existed. Instead he states that a 'complete writing' system should fullfill all the following criteria:
• it must have as it is purpose communication;
• it must consist of artificial graphic marks on a durable or electronic surface;
• it must use marks that relate conventionally to articulate speech (the systematic arrangement of significant vocal sounds) or electronic programing in such a way that communication is achieved

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