Thursday, November 23, 2017

English Grammar : Adjective Phrase

Education English | English Grammar : Adjective Phrase | Adjective phrase is a reduction of an adjective clause. It modifies a noun .

A : Do you know the firl sitting there ?
B : yeah, she is sandra anew student here. 
In the dialog, the adjective phrase “the girl sitting there “ is a reduction of the adjective clause “ the girl whos is sitting there”. Only adjective vlauses that a subject pronoun who, which or that are reduced to modifying adjective phrases.

An adjective clause can be chanfed to an adjective phrase in two ways.
1.The subject pronoun is omitted and the be form of the verb is omitted .
Example :
-the woman who us speaking in the seminar is my mother (adjective clause)
The woman speaking in the seminar is my mother
(adjective phrase)
-the mobiles that are on the desk are Mr. Tom’s
(adjective clause)
The mobiles on the desk are Mr.toms
(adjective phrase)

2.If there is no ‘be’ form of a verb in the adjective clause, omit the subject pronoun and change the verb into its -ing form
Examples :
-The boy who plays badminton every Sunday is my brother (adjective clause)
The boy playing badminton every Sunday is my brother ( adjective phrase).
-The pail that contains water is new (adjective clause)
The pail containing water is new ( adjective phrase)

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