Saturday, November 25, 2017

English Speech: Mosque Inauguration Event

Education English | English Speech: Mosque Inauguration Event | ASsalamamualaikum wr.wb
I respect the audience and the presence of all invitations and Gentlemen,
On a good opportunity and this blessed I invite all attendees to once again say our praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty because although our country is facing challenges and tests, should we always be grateful because we are given the opportunity, health and strength to continue the task and our dedication to our beloved country, It is a joy to me and my wife and of course all of us today can present to inaugurate the great mosque of Bani Umar.
The audience, which glorified Allah's presence.
At the time of the prophet Muhammad. mosques have been used as a place to inculcate the values ​​of faith, virtue and benefit of mankind. Besides the mosque is also used as a place to develop the economy and welfare. From the mosques developed a variety of activities directed to the realization of civil society, a society which is guided by divine revelation, the people who patterned dynamic, hand in hand, mutual help, and cooperate in building prosperity. Governance through life like that of the mosque make light of Islam throughout the world.

The audience is honored by the presence of God Almighty.
We are grateful to the present atmosphere of propaganda and the spread of Islam in our country grows by leaps and bounds. Islamic educational institutions are popping up in various places, religious activities are often held and is visited by Muslims. This suggests that awareness of religion in our society, a great opportunity to come forward as the greatest nation in the world, we must be able to unearth the teachings and values ​​of Islam in real life.

Ladies and Gentlemen and Gentlemen,
Before I continue and finish this speech, I want to say one thing, today the world is experiencing a crisis of capital markets, financial crisis, economic crisis can not be said, especially for our country. Do not be too quick to say Indonesia has experienced an economic crisis. I delivered four days ago, let us remain calm, rational, lucid while looking for effort and manage to impact the global financial crisis is not very threatening, disrupt our economy. That way it will hopefully open the way good for us, to manage our economy, which actually ended years is in a good state and a capital to continue to improve the welfare of our people.

Let me invite Islam with full sincerity vigorously to increase our faith and devotion of worship. We continue to give to those in need. This is the fastest way, the most noble way to help our brothers and sisters, Though the state government is also providing assistance in the form of development programs, blend of all these to be beautiful in our country, do not worry about the economy broke down world. If Muslims in this country of Indonesia to develop in ways that directly give, the culture of giving, for those who require is a noble culture, let us continue to develop in the future.

So from my brief speech by saying Bismillah and invoke blessings of God Almighty. Bani Umar Mosque with my official official state use.
That's all and thank you.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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