Thursday, November 30, 2017

Speech: Cap Go Meh Celebration

Education English | Speech: Cap Go Meh Celebration |  All the invited guests and Gentlemen, Brethren Chinese communities throughout the land of the blessed,
Good evening, best wishes to all of us.
First of all, let us pray our praise and gratitude the presence of God almighty because today we all still gave health, strength and opportunity to continue the work, duties and our dedication to the nation and beloved country. We are also grateful to the night we jointly congratulate brothers Tionghoa communities across Indonesia over the Cap Go Meh today. Hopefully with the celebration of this cap go Meh, brethren, we are all given peace, happiness and prosperity.
We are grateful for the life of nation and state we are getting better and more promising. Discriminatory institutions that could have been eliminated. Hopefully in the future pillars of our nation's growing and increasingly united.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This evening we attended the celebration Cap Go Meh after 4 hours ago brothers and sisters celebrate Lunar New Year, the year 2559. Compounding Indonesian nation, Indonesia is diverse nation, made up of various races, religions, ethnicities, and regions have a good tradition, a tradition that celebrates some of the new year. BC we know the new year, new Hijra year, new year saka, and the lunar new year. All of it is as a form of our gratitude and pray to god almighty for a better future.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Cap go Meh celebration theme this year is a united Indonesia. Let us strengthen and reinforce our unity by way of mutual love affection, mutual respect, including respect for differences and mutual help in the higher social solidarity. The strong help the weak. The rich helping the poor. The forward assist the Belem forward. Indonesia is a nation a great nation. our country has a vast territory, has a large population. Diverse nation. Noble history and culture, and rich in natural resources. If we do not split, if we do not blame each other and we are not enemies of our nation is not only strong but again will advance and prosper. Let us believe all of it. If we unite and work hard our nation will emerge as the nation's dignity in the world forum.
So my speech on this joyous day. Once again I express my gratitude and appreciation of the forum leaders and families with Indonesian Chinese. may god guide our nation's journey toward the future, the future of a fair, prosperous future and bring us all happiness. Thank you

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