Ladies and Gentlemen Dear
Today the exact date of May 2 we gather together to commemorate the Day of National Education (Education Day), which is also a historic day for the nation of Indonesia.
I say historic because we as an independent nation has been noted, that education in Indonesia as well as ever we use a big hand in order to promote and intellectual life of the nation.
We realize that a developed nation is reflected in the prevailing level of education. Indonesia was colonized by other nations within a period of time. There have been many missed us with other developed countries. As a result of colonialism make our nation into backwardness. The level of progress to be fucked. Occupiers use this setback to remain colonized and drain the wealth .. INDONESIA.
Now ..... Indonesian history has recorded the birth of Ki Hajar Dewantara as the father of education. He has pioneered the nation's education. He believes, to build the nation and the state is required generations clever and capable. Skill is only obtained by assuming the importance of education for a nation.
This spirit that drives him to realize his ideals. Established schools. At first the structure is simple. From there came the pioneer generations of the nation. What padaakhirnya rose repel invaders in Persada Indonesia.
Now the struggle has seemed to Ki Hajar Dewantara. Many schools that stand like mushrooms in the rainy season, the Indonesian people more aware of how important education was.
Now we as an independent nation. Let us increase the quality of this education with more morally or materially contributed to the progress of the nation and state.
Now no doubt that education is an absolute necessity that should we nurture, we increase to achieve the ideals of independence.
Similarly, we welcome short, congratulations to learn, good fight. Thank you ........
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