Chapter I
1.1. Background
In this global era, people need to do thing quickly. People need to follow the latest information related to the world’s development. Since there are many countries in the world contact among nations in information exchange even to make cooperation on science and technology, economics, and many other social fields cannot be neglected. Many media of communication are used to quicken the exchange of information .Some of them are telephone or handphone, television, magazines, and scientific books.
A handphone is a communication tool, it has been something that is very needed today. The written language or message through a handphone is called short message service abbreviated by sms. Sms is really popular in social life, especially in students life that don’t have many pulsa to connect other students by telephone.
In sms, it is needed to write as short as you can in order to make you thrift your pulsa and also make your friend easy to understand what you are talking about. Because of that, substitution and ellipsis often use in sms to avoid repetition of certain words in a sentence and to eliminate the word-Repeated words or text of our speech because meaning is understood without it.
1.1. Research Problem
The problem of this research was formulated as on “what are the types of substitutions and ellipsis that is used in sms sent by yeni.”
1.2. Limited Problem
The researcher focused on all of data were collected from yeni’s handphone that was taken on January 1-8 2011.
1.3. Objectives research
General objective of this research is to mention what kind of substitutions and ellipsis that used in sms sent by yeni. And the specific objective of this research is to complete my discourse analysis score.
Chapter II
Review of Literature
Links in discourse studies are divided into two groups: formal - which refer to facts that are present in the analyzed text, and contextual - referring to the outside world, the knowledge (or schemata) which is not included in the communicative product itself (Cook 1990:14). Since it is difficult to describe the processing of contextual links without referring to particular psychological inquiries, therefore, this section is devoted to representation of formal links.
By and large five types of cohesive devices are distinguished, some of which might be subdivided:
- Substitution: in order to avoid repeating the same word several times in one paragraph it is replaced, most often by one, do or so. So and do in its all forms might also substitute whole phrases or clauses (e.g. "Tom has created the best web directory. I told you so long time ago".)
- Ellipsis: it is very similar to substitution, however, it replaces a phrase by a gap. In other words, it is omission of noun, verb, or a clause on the assumption that it is understood from the linguistic context.
- Reference: the use of words which do not have meanings of their own, such as pronouns and articles. To infer their meaning the reader has to refer them to something else that appears in the text (Tom: "How do you like my new Mercedes Vito?" - Marry: "It is a nice van, which I'm also thinking of buying".).
- Conjunction: specifies the relationship between clauses, or sentences. Most frequent relations of sentences are: addition ( and, moreover e.g. "Moreover, the chocolate fountains are not just regular fountains, they more like rivers full of chocolate and sweets."), temporality ( afterwards, next e.g. "He bought her perfume at a local perfume shop and afterwards moved toward a jewelry store.") and causality ( because, since).
- Lexical cohesion: denotes links between words which carry meaning: verbs, nouns, adjectives. Two types of lexical cohesion are differentiated, namely: reiteration and collocation. Reiteration adopts various forms, particularly synonymy, repetition, hyponymy or antonymy (. Collocation is the way in which certain words occur together, which is why it is easy to make out what will follow the first item.
It is clear from the analysis of written language that when people produce discourse they focus not only on the correctness of a single sentence, but also on the general outcome of their production. That is why the approach to teaching a foreign language which concentrates on creating grammatically correct sentences, yet does not pay sufficient attention to regularities on more global level of discourse, might not be the best one (Cook 1990, McCarthy 1991, Salkie 1995).
Chapter III
The instruments to collect data in this research were pen and note book. The data collection of the language used in sms through the following steps:
1. Taking sms conversations in inbox and outbox message from the yeni’s handphone.
2. Selecting the data which was needed in this study.
3. Rewriting those data in note book and made transcript the message to make the analysis process easier.
4. The researcher classified the data based on the types of substitution and ellipsis.
5. Making conclusion of the research.
Chapter IV
Finding and Result
4.1. Finding
4.1.1. kind of substitutions and ellipsis that used in sms sent by yeni.
There were many words found in sms sent by yeni. But, they were little difficult to divide them based on types of substitution or ellipsis. These were the using of substitution and ellipsis used in sms sent by yeni.
1. Substitution
a. Nominal Substitution
· 085768xxx
Yen mb lupo blikxn stabilo kuning u,yg pink kek winta
· 089898xxx
Woe Polisi2 lg razia kni..
Yo,mb neok sorang td dpan Lmpu mrah
· 089898xxx
Skrg kq taste qt bny bda c? Cma a’min n bidam qt yg shati
Yak,2org t mang mmnuhi standar qt..
b. Clausa Substitution
· 085758xxxx
Smalm ad gmpa y yen?
Yo kckny ta,mb dag tw…
· 085366xxxxx
U neokny pke sarung tangn? Tkut nian itam tangnny
Mb pkir jg cem t
· 085768xxx
Lw u ska kek dy, u hrus trminany ap adny
Y,mb teu
2. Ellipsis
a. Verbal
· 089822xxxx
Ly,msh nontn u?
yO msh, Tbo juriny lg nyicip rotiny..
· 089822xxxx
Di epsode koh, Majun ngracun takgOO
Yo ap? Bhasil dag?
· 085768xxx
Lg ap u?
b. Clause Ellipsis
· 085366xxx
Dag usah ngecek2 Lw qt neokny!
· 089822xxx
Yo,dag xn...
· 089898xxx
Cpa yg u ska skrg?
Mb ska pmeran takgoo n teakyung...
· 0857xxxx
Trus cx mna yen?mrahny kek u?
Dag eee...
4.2. Result
Substitution is the process we use to avoid repetition of certain words in a
sentence. Substitution can used to replace nouns, verbs or even phrases. Ellipsis means that we simply eliminate the word-Repeated words or text of our speech because meaning is understood without it. We can use the ellipsis with both nouns and verbs.
sentence. Substitution can used to replace nouns, verbs or even phrases. Ellipsis means that we simply eliminate the word-Repeated words or text of our speech because meaning is understood without it. We can use the ellipsis with both nouns and verbs.
Based on the findings above, researcher just found nominal and clause substitution, and verbal and clause ellipsis in sms sent by yeni.
a. Nominal Substitution
· 089898xxx
Woe Polisi2 lg razia kni..

As determining
b. Clausa Substitution
Substitution can extend more than head replaced items
· 085366xxxxx
U neokny pke sarung tangn? Tkut nian itam tangnny
Mb pkir jg cem t
c. Verbal ellipsis
The verbal group, there is only one of the lexical items, lexical verb, the remaining features such as limited express group, tense, sound; also: none of these features revealed by one particular item
· 089822xxxx
Ly,msh nontn u?
yO msh, Tbo juriny lg nyicip rotiny.. it merans that she is still watching.
d. Clause ellipsis
The most prominent in the dialogue
· 085366xxx
Dag usah ngecek2 Lw qt neokny!
· 089822xxx
Yo,dag xn... => it means that she won’t say anything to others.
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