Friday, March 23, 2018

Synonyms Of Words : False, Counterfeit and Fake

Education English | Synonyms Of Words : False, Counterfeit and Fake | False, Counterfeit and Fake have the same meaning, but its function is different.

False is the word used for something that is not authentic, may or may not intend to deceive others.
example : What a beautiful your false hair.

Counterfeit is an adjective and verb. Counterfeit means of a tracing made ​​carefully in order to trick or deceive the people.
example :
as adjective : He always buy with counterfeit money.
as verb : She counterfeited sorrow she did not fell.

Fake is the nouns, verbs and adjectives used to someone or something that is not genuine or real.
example :
as noun : Fake quack
as verb : To fake a reply
as adjective : A fake doctor