Thursday, November 23, 2017

Definition of Reading and Purposes of Reading

Education English | Definition of Reading and Purposes of Reading | 1. Definition of Reading
Reading is an active process that requires attention or a favorable attitude. Rahmin (2005: 3) states reading is an information process from the text and readers’ knowledge which is first functions in make a sentence. It may also be defined as learning to recognize the printed symbols that represent language and to respond intellectually and emotionally from the text while reading. In additions, it conveys the information that makes an  interaction between a reader and text itself.
2. Reading Purpose
Naturally, reading have firstly purpose to look for and to get information, related with the content, understand reading’s meaning. The meaning has relation with the purpose or intensive in reading activity. There are explains some important points, such as:
• Reading to find and to know found has done by figure, what have made by figure, what happen with special figure or to solve that problem has made by figure. The reading like this called reading for details of facts.
• Reading to know why is the case as a great and interest topic. This type called reading for main ideas.
• Reading to find and to know what happen in every part of story. It is called reading for sequence or organizational.
• Reading to find and to know why the figures feel like their way, what are the figures to show up for the reader. It is called reading for inference.
• Reading to find and to know about the truly of the story, about the writer and the figure. This type called reading to classify.
• Reading to find what the figure’s success. This type called reading to evaluate.
• Reading to find how the figure’s way to change, how the different life have known before, and how the readers following the writer. This reading called reading to compare or contrast. Every body has to know and understand if reading is a complex skills, that is difficult that to invite a little skills. Reading skills have three components, there are:
a. Introducing to Aksara and reads’ mark
b. Aksara correlation and reads’ mark with formal linguistic
c. Continuing relation from A and B with meaning (broughton et al, 1978: 90)
• A skill as an ability to know the design that match with the method like picture
• B skill is an ability to make relation black mark on the paper such
as picture to have pattern with language. Suitable with part of as principally formal linguistic, at skill characteristic will always get changes
• C skill include all of reading skill, as an intellectual skill it is an ability to make relation with formal language, there is as a sound, with meaning that symbolized by words (Broughton et al, 1978: 90). It has asked before reading is a complex skill to invite some skills. As a big line there are two important aspects in reading:
a. Mechanical skills, it is on lower level. This aspect consists of:
• Introducing of alphabetically
• Introducing linguistic unsure (phoneme/grapheme, words, phrase, clause, sentence etc)
• Introducing the relation or correspondence spelling pattern and
sounds’ relation (sounds’ ability not written or “to bark at print)
• Reading speed to lower level.
b. Comprehension skill, it is a higher level. This aspect consists of:
• Understanding the simple meaning (lexical, grammatical, and rhetorical)
• Understanding the significant or meaning (the aim and the purpose, culture, and reaction from the readers)
• Evaluating and scoring (content and form)
• Flexibility reading speed that is easily to match with the situation (Broughton el at, 1987: 211).
To get the purpose in mechanical skill, the suitable activity is reading aloud and oral reading. For the comprehension skill, silent reading is matching to use by the readers. Reading silently could be consisting of:
a. Extensive Reading
Extensive reading is reading extensively. Kind of object is read the text in abbreviate time. This meaning and understanding on lower order have matched for it, because it is the roles and also because of reading paper itself have many and plentifully, for example newspaper reports. The extensive reading activity’s purpose is to understand the reading content faster so that extensively can do. This case also one of tool are using by tourist wants to learn something without go to nature country by itself.

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