Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Speech: Inauguration Flats

Education English | Speech: Inauguration Flats | Assalamualaikum wr. Wb
Ladies and Gentlemen and Gentlemen,
On this auspicious occasion, I invite all attendees to once again praise and thanksgiving we are the presence of god almighty, because we were all given the opportunity, health and strength to continue our work, our devotion and duty to the community, nation and beloved country . We are also grateful for the presence of god almighty because this afternoon we can jointly attend the inauguration ceremony of this apartment, which hopefully brings blessings to us all, a modest residential development, residential flats in all the land education.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We all know that housing or home into one that is referred to as one of the basic human needs, basic human need, I often say that the most important to us and continue to be our inadequate and that we increase people's welfare is the essence of food, clothing, housing, education, health, safety, good environment and matters relating to basic human needs of others but that's the main element.
Therefore, when the government together with the wider community now continue to intensify efforts sufficiency and food security solely because we want our society increasingly has a sufficiency and resilience that. Clothing or clothing required in the future more and more people the better, as well as education and health, including assistance in the form of government subsidy programs, also further enhance the quality of education and our health. Security and increasing our security and good public order throughout Indonesia, it would also give a higher sense of security, the environment that we both cultivate, greening and others certainly make our lives much better environment and correct as presented by the minister state public housing is to be a mandate earlier, our duty and our obligation. Governments, businesses and other parties to continually strive to improve people's housing primarily low-income housing, including housing for the middle class is simple bunk down. let us together is a success of our efforts forward in accordance with the country's ability to continue to build low-income housing, including housing a simple stacking.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Finally, by first asking the blessing of god almighty to officially declare my apartment is officially used.
Wassalamualaikum, wr.wb

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