Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Analytical Exposition Text “ Reading Habit”

The reading habit among Indonesian students is still low. There are many reasons for this fact. However it is mainly caused by the high prices of goos books, scarity of good books abd ither activities young people prefer to do.

Firstly, books are relatively expensive in Indonesia. Publisher claim that the prices of material and production cost of books are high and keep increasing. Therefore books are sold expensicely and consequently most student cannot afford them.
Secondly, if we browse the bookselves at bookstores it is not easy to find real high quality books. Some books with good topics may have plain and boring designs, while there are also books which look good but the contents are almost not worth reading.

Thirdly and quite unfortunately nowadays there are many kinds of activities other than reading, and the young people prefer doing them. These include watching youth soap operas on TV, listening to music and songs with meaningless lyrics or just hanging out shopping malls. Such activities clearly do not offer as much learning as the book reading habit does.and clearly they forget the saying a book is a window of the world.

In conlusion it is clear that the reading habit among Indonesian students is still low for the reasons above. If we expect changes from this situation everybody must take part. Students must be willing to st their preference to usefull activity such as reading books.


  1. makasih atas contohnya saya dapat mengerjakan tugas dengan benar

  2. you're welcome,,,,thanks for visited my blog...:)
