Monday, December 11, 2017

English Speech: Commemoration Ceremony Events Bhayangkara

Education English | English Speech: Commemoration Ceremony Events Bhayangkara | Peace to all of us
Ladies and Gentlemen invited guests, all members of the police that I was proud.
Let us together praise and thank our almighty presence of God's grace and the gifts we can commemorate this Bhayangkara to-62. I want to use this good opportunity to convey my congratulations to all members of the republic of Indonesia in the state police on duty and wherever you are. Hopefully in 62 days so that the ranks of police this whole republic Indonesia can continue to enhance the role and dedication to the community, nation and beloved country.

Since the republic of Indonesia police stand 1 July 1946, the brothers never missed and broke up in devotion to the nation and state. For that I say thanks and high appreciation. Respect and sincere appreciation also goes to the elders and predecessors police republic of Indonesia to the struggle, service and dedication, have laid the foundation, and has been building and developing our country's police force. This year we commemorate 100 years of national awakening, and 10 years of reform as well as Indonesia. Therefore, I looked exactly the theme raised in this Bhayangkara day is with the spirit of national awakening us continue building a professional police republic of Indonesia and trusted community. Realize this is a real theme in the task of the police ranks of the republic of Indonesia in the future.

Ladies and gentlemen, and all the police of the republic of Indonesia I love,
In accordance with the constitution the constitution of 1945, police republic Indonesia carries three main tasks. First enforce the law, both maintain security and public order and the third to protect, shelter, and serve the community. All this is related to the joints of the most essential public life, justice, peace and security are very coveted by our people. Therefore, a republic Indonesian police continued to establish themselves and also increase the professionalism and capability, so that all the basic tasks that can be implemented properly.

In law enforcement, we know that the variety and quality of evil in the world, including our country, is increasing. This is related to and influence the development patterns of human life, including the international community by the swift mobility of people, goods, information and technological sophistication of the present era of globalization.

Therefore, the ranks of police of the republic of Indonesia with a more powerful abilities, I have kept intensively and rigorously oppose and combat crimes. Ranging from white collar crime, smuggling and illegal logging, corruption crimes to the international crime including terrorism and narcotics.
That's all, congratulations on duty Police republic of Indonesia.

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