Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Definition Of Morpheme
A morpheme is a short segment of language that meets three criteria :
  • It is a word or part of a word that has meaning
  • It cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts without violation of its meaning without meaningless remainders.
  • It recars in differing verbal environments with a relatively stable meaning.
Free And Bound Morpheme
Morpheme are of two kinds, free and bound. A free morpheme is one that cannot be uttered alone with meaning. For instance, in replay to “what are you going to do now?” you might answer “eat”. This is a free morpheme .
A bound morpheme, unlike the free, cannot be uttered alone with meaning. It is always annexed to one or more morphemes to form a word.Here are a few more examples : preview, played, acivity, supervise, inter-, - vene.

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