Thursday, December 14, 2017

Argumentative Text : "Delicacies"

Would you like  some chicken's feet ? how about frog's leg ? Well you can not say no to a fifty-year-old egg. It is delicacy that people pay a lot of money for belive it or not. People all over the world eat just about everything from elephant's trunks to monkey's brains.

Snakes and eels are delicacies in most part of the world. In france and England  fish shops sell eels that are alive. In Asta there are special restaurants for snakes. Everything on the menu is snake : snake soup, snake appetizers, snake main course, and snake desserts. When you go to the restaurant the snakes are alive. You choose the snakes you want eat. Then the wanter kills the snakes before your very eyes.
Insects like termits ants and bees are delicacies to many people. In Africa people fight over termite nests. They eat the termites alive and say they taste like pineaple. In India, people make the ants into a paste and eat them with curry. In borneo people mix the ants with rice. They say it gives the rice a special flavor. In australia, the native people drink ants. They mash them in water and say the drink tastes likes lemmonade and bees are delicious when you try them. you just can not stop eating them.

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