Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Speaking : Asking, Giving, Or Refussing Permission

Education English | Speaking : Asking, Giving, Or Refusing Permission | Asking for Permission :
  • May/can/could I...?
  • Excuse me, do you think..?
  • I wonder if I could ...?
  • Is it okay/all right if I..?
  • Would you mind...?
  • Would you mind not..?
  • Do you mind..?
  • Would it be okay/all right if I....?
  • Would you please ...?

Giving Permission :
  • Sure/Of course.
  • Yes, Indeed.
  • Yes, certainly/sure
  • Yes, that's all right.
  • Okay/fine.
  • No, please do.
  • No, not at all
  • No, it's okay /all right.
  • No problem.
  • Go ahead.
  • With pleasure.
  • Sure, no problem.
Refusing Permission :
  • I'm afraid you can't.
  • I'm sorry you can not because...
  • I'm afraid it's not possible for you to..
  • I'm sorry /sorry, you may not.
  • Yes, really sorry.
  • Well, I'd love but..
  • I'm sorry, but it's not allowed

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