Sunday, November 26, 2017

Narrative : An Adventure

Jack read an advertisement about camping activity. The advertisement offered boys and girls aged about 14-17 to jon an exciting adventure to many places in the USA. It sounded very exciting to him so he sent his application to join. Jack was very happy when they accepted his application. Then he found out that he took part in a jungle survival trip. This was new suddenly the USA seemed very different. When arrived in Hawaii he and his group were taught how to make fish and animals traps, how to find fres water and which plants to eat. This made them feels less nerveous and more confident about the survival trip. On the trip the group had to spend three days and nights on a small islands of the coast of Hawaii.
They went to the island in a fishing boat. The island was not far from the coast; it was very small just two hills covered with jungle. They were left on a sandy beach with no food. They knew the first thing was to find fresh water.
When the group went up into the jungle, a giant spider dropped onto Jack. He was too frightened to do anything. Luckily the spider ran down his back onto the ground and he was not bitten. The spider was as big as  a ball, about 12 cm across, with black and yellow legs. And it was only the beginning. The island suddenly seemed frightening.
Later the group found a stream, they now had fresh water, but they were very hungry. They looked for things to eat. There were lots of coconuts trees, but the trees too high to climb. They founds lot of bad coconuts on the ground but only three goods ones.They broke their knife while trying  to open the first one and then used a stone for the others. They ate them. After three days on that island, jack had many unforgettable experiences to tell his family and his friends.
(Taken from Stepping More for Junior High School.)

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