Thursday, December 14, 2017

Speech: National Education Day

Education English | Speech: National Education Day | Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Peace for us
Ladies and gentlemen of the blessed, and brothers who follow our program today through television shows that I loved and Gentlemen.
On a good opportunity and hopefully this blessed always, let us once again we say the presence of praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God because we are all still given this opportunity, strength and health to continue our worship, our work and our duty and our dedication to the nation and our beloved country. We are also grateful to jointly commemorate this year's national education.
I express my love and appreciation to students, students who achieve a brilliant achievement and pride in various competitions both at home and abroad. Each time the sons and daughters of Indonesia accomplishment, gold medal or an award equivalent then each time it is also Indonesia's national anthem echoed around the world. This is really encouraging. If students from the Republic of China can, we must also be able to. Often touted students from India and from Singapore frequently scores high, Indonesia should be and this we have already established.

Race and more race in achievement, in it the name of our nation, in improving Indonesia's image abroad. I'm glad to hear our music group won an international music competition many times. I am pleased Indonesia volleyball player to win the SEA Games match a while ago, and a number of achievements that can be engraved by us all. Once again, go ahead, reach achievements since the nation of Indonesia is a great nation, their children have the advantage of not inferior to the nation's sons and daughters everywhere. I am also grateful to educational institutions, universities, which have also entered ranked World Class University. It boasts an open, including the University. Five, ten years I want the numbers doubled and could if we stand together.

And the gratitude and appreciation also goes and this is very important is for teachers serving in remote areas, teachers who served in the remote islands, the teachers who served in the border areas, par teacher on duty in disadvantaged areas, including the sub district and village heads are on a mission in these areas and also include tutors for non-formal education. They are the heroes and fighters of true education.

Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers countrymen and compatriots who I love,
National Education Day this year chose the theme of the day of national education as part of a century anniversary revival of the nation. I value the selection of this theme is right, true, and relevant to the nation's spirit, our spirit to continue to build a better tomorrow. On 20 May the future I will deliver state address in my capacity as head of state. In it I will remind all the people of Indonesia that in the future we must increase efforts to build the nation's independence, the nation's competitiveness and a respectable civilization.

Independence, we want to be more forward with the resources we have, both natural resources, human resources, infrastructure, building experience, heritage and others, we will become a more independent nation, a nation that I will term a self generating, self-developing nation, let's really improve our self-reliance.
Thus the brothers once again I say thanks and congratulations to the man of education for national education day this year. Let us continue our struggle improve education building, building toward a future of superhuman Indonesia who developed fair and prosperous.
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb

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